Genuine Care & Advice
For Cairns and Far North QueenslandWhy Premier Property Group
Cairns & FNQ?
You will receive genuine care and advice. We believe in creating nurturing long-term relationships, supporting your property dreams and goals.
Your success is our success.
Why Premier Mortgages?

Saving you money and years off your loan. Your bank may not have the right loan for you!
Helping you refinance or find and purchase the ideal property for you and your future.
Years of in-depth knowledge of banks' lending policies to set the foundation of your financial future.
Able to quickly assess and provide you with the right loan strategy to increase opportunity for approval.
Access to homes that are not yet on the market; new and established homes.
At the forefront of sourcing homes for sale from a loyal customer base.
Exclusive boutique home listings.
Appealing to buyers who are seeking high-quality homes and units.
Why Sell your Property with Premier?

Why Start a Property Investment Portfolio
with Premier?

Specialising in Wealth Creation through Property Investment.
When buying from interstate or overseas, local knowledge helps you navigate the rules in QLD and Australia.
FIRB specialist, navigating the complex rules, regulations and timeframes.
Complying with FIRB rules in Australia, with access to properties from established affiliations.
Why Premier for Property Management?
Long-term and Airbnb Holiday Letting
Passionate long-term staff who care about your property.
Experienced property managers that find you quality tenants.
We give you a point of contact for ease and better financial outcomes.
Consistent staff who get to know your tenant’s needs in order to better care for your property.
Local knowledge provides the best maintenance and care for your property.
Long-term relationships with trades and contractors.
Helping you generate more income with Airbnb Holiday Letting.
Advertising your property on multiple platforms to maximise your exposure and financial returns.